State Flowers
Please note that more specific watering needs depend on the local climate and soil type.
State | Common Name | Image | Watering Needs |
Alabama | Camellia | Enjoy deep watering, moist not soggy soil, mulch around to keep in moisture. | |
Alaska | Forget-Me-Not | Thrive in moist soil, suggested to water three to four times weekly during spring and summer. | |
American Samoa | Teuila Torch Ginger | Drought tolerant, grows well in sandy soil, grows naturally in coastal regions. | |
Arizona | Saguaro Cactus Blossom | Requires 10” of water annually. | |
Arkansas | Apple Blossom | Water frequently and deeply. | |
California | California Poppy | Needs very little water, drought-resistant. | |
Colorado | Rocky Mountain Columbine | Water about once weekly, soil should be moist about 1” down. | |
Connecticut | Mountain Laurel | Has shallow roots, needs about 2” of water weekly. | |
Delaware | Peach Blossom | Use about 36” of water annually. | |
District of Columbia | American Beauty Rose | Needs good air circulation, well-drained soil. | |
Florida | Orange Blossom | 1.5” of water weekly. | |
Georgia | Cherokee Rose | Deer resistant, drought-tolerant. | |
Guam | Bougainvillea Spectabilis | Likes it dry, likes a deep watering every 3 to 4 weeks. | |
Hawaii | Hawaiian Hibiscus | Needs large amounts of water, daily watering in warm weather. | |
Idaho | Syringa, mock orange | Regular watering, allow soil to slightly dry up before watering again. | |
Illinois | Violet | Water just enough to keep soil moist (not soggy). | |
Indiana | Peony | The average Peony needs about 1” of water weekly. | |
Iowa | Wild Rose | Enjoys moist conditions with full or partial sun exposure. | |
Kansas | Sunflower | Water once weekly until top 6” of soil is moist. | |
Kentucky | Goldenrod | Rarely needs supplemental watering, drought-tolerant, water once weekly. | |
Louisiana | Magnolia | First two seasons water weekly, after that water twice monthly. | |
Maine | White Pine Cone and Tassel | Water about 1” weekly, does well in dry soil. | |
Maryland | Black-eyed Susan | Water whenever top inch of soil becomes dry. | |
Massachusetts | Mayflower | Keep soil moist until plant is rooted, keep lightly mulched to keep in moisture. | |
Michigan | Apple Blossom | Water frequently and deeply. | |
Minnesota | Pink and White Lady’s Slipper | Drought-tolerant, likes well-drained soil, water once weekly during summer months. | |
Mississippi | Magnolia | First two seasons water weekly, after that water twice monthly. | |
Montana | Bitterroot | Enjoys full sun, likes well-drained soil, water when soil becomes dry. | |
Nebraska | Goldenrod | Drought-tolerant, does not typically need supplemental watering. | |
Nevada | Sagebrush | Water generously once weekly, wait to water until top few inches of soil is dry. | |
New Hampshire | Purple Lilac | Water when top inches of soil become dry, water weekly, needs good air circulation. | |
New Jersey | Violet | | Water just enough to keep soil moist (not soggy). |
New Mexico | Yucca Flower | Drought resistant, require top inches of soil to dry out before next watering, typically needs watered every 14 days depending on climate. | |
New York | Rose | When establishing soak the soil 16” to 18” in depth, then 1” to 2” weekly. | |
North Carolina | Flowering Dogwood | Weekly watering of about 6”, mulch helps keep soil moist. | |
North Dakota | Wild Prairie Rose | Water about once weekly. | |
Northern Mariana Islands | Flor de Mayo | Enjoys full sun, allow soil to dry before next watering | |
Ohio | Scarlet Carnation | Needs well-draining soil, water thoroughly once weekly | |
Oklahoma | Indian Blanket | Needs well-draining soil and occasional watering | |
Oregon | Oregon grape | Keep soil moist and water weekly | |
Pennsylvania | Mountain Laurel | Has shallow roots, needs about 2” of water weekly | |
Puerto Rico | Flor de Maga | Enjoys the sun or partial shade, water regularly | |
Rhode Island | Violet | Water just enough to keep soil moist (not soggy) | |
South Carolina | Yellow Jessamine | Moderate watering needs, water regularly | |
South Dakota | Pasque Flower | Moderate watering needs, water regularly | |
Tennessee | Iris | Deep watering for longer durations is desired over multiple short watering | |
Texas | Bluebonnet | 1” of water weekly | |
Utah | Sego Lily | Requires almost no water, requires little rain and no supplemental watering | |
Vermont | Red Clover | Needs 30” to 45” of water annually | |
Virgin Islands | Yellow Elder | Water when weather is hot and dry, provide drainage for excess water | |
Virginia | American Dogwood | 6” watering weekly, more when weather is dry and hot | |
Washington | Coast Rhododendron | 1” watering weekly | |
West Virginia | Rhododendron | 1” watering weekly | |
Wisconsin | Wood Violet | Water just enough to keep soil moist (not soggy) | |
Wyoming | Indian Paintbrush | Drought-tolerant, only needs occasional watering |
Check out this fertilizer for flowering plants! AlgoPlus Flowering Plant
Want to learn more about soil type? Check out this link: Know Your Soil Type
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