Drip Depot does not send unsolicited email or catalogs:

Unlike most businesses that force you to "opt-out" of their email advertising campaigns, Drip Depot takes the reverse approach. We assume you do not want to receive email advertisements and allow you to "opt-in" if you choose.

Regardless, Drip Depot does not subscribe to the "more-is-better" approach to email. If you choose to opt-in, we believe that occasional correspondence with our customers, 6-12 mailings a year, is adequate to keep our customers informed of changes to our site, promotions and events. If you do not opt-in, you will receive no emails from us except for your specific order status messages (see below).

Email notification of order status and tracking:

We try to keep you as informed as possible during the processing and shipping of your order by sending you email notifications. When you place an order with Drip Depot you will receive the following status email messages:

  1. A confirmation email is sent immediately after you place your order.
  2. An email is sent when your order arrives in our shipping department.
  3. An email is sent (with tracking number if available) when your order leaves our warehouse.

During checkout you may enter any valid email address of your choice. If there is a problem with your order or we need to contact you for any reason, we will do so by sending an email to the address you give us, so please enter a valid address.